Baked sea bass recipe with potatoes

For me, the recipe for baked sea bass with potatoes is the best way to prepare this fish. Today we will see how to make it in a healthy, nutritious, and very easy version.

An interesting fact before we start cooking: the sea bass is known elsewhere as snook.

How to make baked sea bass

We will prepare not one, but two seabasses, because of not eating alone but accompanied.

Apart from the fish, all you need are potatoes, some herbs, onion, lemon, salt and olive oil. Any extra ingredients that you want to add will be welcome in your recipe.

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Baked sea bass step by step

Cooking baked sea bass with potatoes is much simpler than you think. Here is the explanation step by step.They can also be shredded.
  • Then we can peel and cut the onion into cubes or into thin wheels.
  • Then we are going to cut the potatoes into wheels. To peel them or not to peel them is to the taste of each one (to peel them is the most traditional, but not to peel them is what I like more to me).
  • Now we are going to accommodate the seabass in a baking dish.
  • In the remaining space, we will arrange the potato slices.

  • Then we will arrange the onion on the other ingredients, just like the sprigs of rosemary.
  • We will bathe the content of the container with good jets of olive oil, and sprinkle everything with the pieces of garlic (or we will finish undoing the crushed garlic with the hand), salt grain and pepper to taste. We can slide the sea bass a little so that they are also impregnated with oil underneath.

  • Now we will take the container to the oven for 30 or 35 minutes. In the middle of cooking it is advisable to turn the potato slices. Do not hesitate to sprinkle the ingredients with a little water or even more oil. The idea is that they do not dry out during cooking in the oven.

  • When you remove the seabass from the oven, they will be ready to serve. Then, sprinkle each one with a spoonful of chopped parsley.

  • To accompany the dishes you can arrange the lemon cut into segments in a small container, or a piece of lemon on one side of each plate. You can also cut the lemon into slices and even take them to become part of the decoration of the fish. I put them on the sides or on top.
  • Baked sea bass: tips

    • The ideal is to cook sea bass that has all its skin in good condition. This helps keep them hydrated inside. If the skin has holes or openings, moisture could escape at the time of cooking.
    • If you want to get creative and change the recipe, you can try, for example, with some olives, which reinforce the taste of the oil made of olives. There are also those who put tomatoes wheels to dry in the oven. The flavor of the tomato combines very well with that of olive oil, and produces an interesting cooking juice. Of course, these ideas have nothing to do with the more traditional recipe 😉
    • Sea bass is a light digestion dish that blends well with the warm seasons of the year. I recommend accompanying it with light and refreshing white wines, or with drinks with those same characteristics.
    • You can add other green herbs to highlight the flavors of the dish, in addition to the parsley. You can try finely chopped basil or even a touch of oregano, if you like a little stronger flavors.
    • There are those who prepare vegetables in a kind of bed for fish. That is, they fit the potatoes and onion wheels covering the surface of the container, and then the sea bass goes on top. This arrangement is more traditional, but in my opinion, the recipe as we have explained favors the cooking of potatoes and onions much more.
    • If you like to cook with alcohol (like me), do not Do not hesitate a second to add a nice stream of dry white wine to this recipe.A unit on average of those obtained in the market will weigh between 400 and 600 grams. If for some reason, the fish you get is not in this range, consider changing the cooking time.

      I think you may like other fish and seafood recipes or our fish recipe recommendations. Baked.

      You can try our easy recipe for fish in green sauce, a caldo de pescado or a cod with tomato to suck your fingers.

